Cleo Hartwig

Home Nature Forms Animals Abstractions Human Figure Bio Contact Omnidisc


Cover and Frontispiece of Jacques Schnier's Sculpture in Modern America,
featuring illustration of Cleo Hartwig's sculpture, "Seed Pod"

The Process of Sculpture
Padovano, Anthony
Doubleday and Company, Inc., N.Y., 1981

Contemporary American Women Sculptors
Watson-Jones, Virginia
Oryx Press, Phoenix, AZ, 1986

Contemporary American Sculpture
Brumme, C. Ludwig
Crown Publishers, N.Y., N.Y., 1948

Contemporary Stone Sculpture
Meilach, Dona Z.
Crown Publishers, N.Y., N.Y., 1970

Who Was Who in American Art: 1564-1975;
400 Years of Artists in America

Falk, Peter H.
Sound View Press, 1999

Centuries of Cats
de Lys, Claudia & Rhudy, Frances
Silvermine Publishers, Norwalk, 1971

The Figure in American Sculpture; A Question of Modernity
Fort, Ilene Susan
University of Washington Press, 1995

American Women Artists
Rubinstein, Charlotte Streifer
Avon, NY, 1982

Index to Artistic Biography
First Supplement
Havlice, Patricia Pate
Scarecrow Press, NJ, 1973, 1981

Mallett's Index of Artists; International-Biographical
Mallett, Daniel Trowbridge
Peter Smith, NY, 1948

Interior Design and Decoration
Smith, Janet K.
Reinhold Pub. Corp. N.Y., N.Y., 1950

Sculpture in Modern America
(Shown above)

Schnier, Jacques
Univ. of California Press
Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1948

Today's Art
Triangle Co., Tulsa, OK, Jan. 1976

Brookgreen Gardens Sculpture, vol. II
Salmon, Robin R.
Printed by order of the Trustees of
Brookgreen Gardens, 1993

Cleo Hartwig

Home Nature Forms Animals Abstractions Human Figure Bio Contact Omnidisc